2018 Cross Country 101 Seminar OVERSubscribed with 40 RSVPs! Beginners learn how to comfortably fly their first distance flight. Date: Saturday January 27, 2018 Time: 9:15am -2:45pm EST Program: 9:30-11:40 11:45-11:55 Touch on flight computers like XCSoar and flight analysis in SeeYou. (Chris) 12:00-12:30 12:30-1:30 Lunch 1:40-2:45 Depending on the weather we can also fly afterwards. RSVP by January 20th to reserve your spot and so we know how many burgers to make. Space is limited so RSVP now. Plan to bring a chair. Presentation by Chris Ruf, Eric Carden & Wally Berry Chris has flown state records in GA & TX, and hopes to fly more than the 500km. He helps organize the GTA - Georgia Tennessee & Alabama race series and often serves as Competition Director. He has flown many GTA, as well as SSA Regional and National Competitions. Wally has flown many long flights in GA - looking for any excuse to head for Cordele or Alabama. He has been a Regional Soaring Champion multiple times. He served as Competition Director at the 2017 Cordele 15m, Standard & Open Class National Races, and has flown several National Competitions. Eric Carden - soaring coach, will be speaking on the art of thermalling. Course materials: SES_Cross_Country_101_2018.pptx - PDF Prerequesites_for_XC-SES_101-Seminar-2018-Berry.pptx - PDF WB_Outlanding_presentation_2018.pptx - PDF Eric Carden's Thermalling & Cross Country Soaring Course
2017 Glider Competition 101 Seminar The seminar was a success with a full house of 29 attendees from SES, and as far away as Huntsville, AL, Sylacauga, AL, somewhere in SC, and Jacksonville, FL. We had an engaged audience and some good questions too. Might be getting some new racers soon!Beginners learn how to comfortably fly their first race day & have fun too!What: Seminar to prepare pilots to fly their first contest. Not focused on how to win, but on how to avoid a lot of common beginner mistakes.Who: Any glider pilots interested in learning how take the leap into racing - now or in the future. Why: Pilots who learn to fly XC & Racing tend to get more out of soaring , stay in the sport longer, and enjoy years of camaraderie with fellow racers. Racing hones your cross country soaring skills and will take your flying to the next level. Beginning racers are often impressed by how much their flying improves and by how far they can fly on days they once considered marginal. Course materials:Glider Competition 101 Seminar.pptx . PowerPoint 2010+ Much of the Content is based on the SSA Guide to Competition &How to Prepare for and Fly your First Contest by Hank Nixonhttp://www.ssa.org/ContestRules - see especially the guide at the end.Calendar http://www.ssa.org/ContestCommittee?show=blog&id=3110http://www.dragonnorth.com/djpresentations/ Andy Davis’ article and othersXcsoar.org Gliding Safety Videos World Wide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange http://soaringweb.org/TP/NA.html#US We are hoping other clubs can host this same seminar, we can supply the presentation materials - see the bottom of this page. |
2015 Cross Country 101 Seminar Beginners learn how to comfortably fly their first Cross Country flights. Course materials: Oh the Places you’ll go Soaring.pptx . powerpoint 2010+ Checklists: US Team PDF, also Cross Country Checklists.doc Click for Warm Springs Training Task List |
Training Resources from each seminar+ other articles SES_Cross_Country_101_2018.pptx - PDF Prerequesites_for_XC-SES_101-Seminar-2018-Berry.pptx - PDF WB_Outlanding_presentation_2018.pptx - PDF Eric Carden's Thermalling & Cross Country Soaring Course
Glider Competition 101 Seminar.pptx. PowerPoint 2010+ 2015 Oh the Places you’ll go Soaring.pptx . powerpoint 2010+ Thermal Structure and Behavior, Angevine Cross Country For Beginners, Rand Baldwin & Bill Elliot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 5.2, 6 Reichmann training_for_cross_country.pdf new MacCready in uncertain lift and limited altitude.pdf SSA Guide to Competition Doug Jacob's collection of presentation DJpresentations/ GTA-racing.info GTA beginners XC racing.
World Wide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange Warm Springs Training Task List Checklists: US Team PDF, Cross Country Checklists.doc , XC Check List F.doc XCSoar.org . . . XCSoar for the New Cross Country Pilot 2015 FAI for Official rules in the Sporting Code, how to fly Badges and Records. SSA- rules for Badges , SSA Instructors and the ABC Badge Training Program http://www.ssa.org/ContestRules - see especially the guide at the end. Condor Soaring Simulator, . . Condor Orientation guide, . . Condor Cumulus Soaring |
SES homepage . . . . Last modified 21-Feb-2018 by CR