Badge questions Page 7

121) The glider that determines the direction of turn when more that one glider is in the same thermal is

a) the first glider in the thermal.
b) the highest glider in the thermal.
c) the lowest glider in the thermal.
d) each pilot determines his own direction of turn.

122) A "stick thermal" is

a) a variometer indication of lift due to thermal lift.
b) a variometer indication of lift due to the pilot trading airspeed for altitude by pulling back on the stick.
c) a very tall and narrow thermal.

123) When pulling back on the stick with a total energy compensator installed,

a) the variometer will indicate a climb.
b) the variometer will indicate sink.
c) the variometer will attempt to factor out climb indications due to altitude/airspeed trade off.

124) When pulling back on the stick while cruising in a glider WITHOUT a total energy compensator installed,

a) the variometer will indicate a climb.
b) the variometer will indicate sink.
c) the variometer will attempt to factor out climb indications due to altitude/airspeed trade off.

125) The device that reduces climb and dive errors on the variometer caused by airspeed changes is:

a) capacity bottle
b) variometer
c) static source
d) total energy compensator

126) Which type of airmass, at altitude, is most likely to produce soarable mountain wave conditions?

a) stable
b) unstable
c) moist
d) cold

127) Which type of airmass, at altitude, is most likely to produce soarable mountain wave conditions?

a) dry
b) moist
c) warm and unstable
d) conditions that are good for thermaling

128) The best wind conditions for producing soarable mountain wave conditions are

a) light winds.
b) 20 mph winds or less blowing along the ridge.
c) 20 mph winds or less blowing across the ridge.
d) 20 mph winds or more blowing across the ridge.

129) Which is a characteristic of unstable air?

a) temperature increases with altitude.
b) temperature decreases with altitude.
c) temperature remains constant with altitude.
d) low altitude temperature inversions.

130) Which airmass below is the most stable?

a) temperature increases with altitude.
b) temperature decreases with altitude.
c) temperature remains constant with altitude.
d) associated with strong thermals.

131) A thermal index (soaring index) of -9 is indicative of

a) stable air
b) unstable air
c) poor soaring conditions at the given altitude
d) both a and c

132) A thermal index (soaring index) of +5 is indicative of

a) stable air
b) unstable air
c) hopeless soaring conditions at the given altitude
d) both a and c

133) Which of the following must exist before thermals can form?

a) cumulus clouds
b) stable air
c) unstable air
d) a temperature inversion

134) The device that records altitude and time is

a) a barometer
b) a barograph
c) GPS
d) Nuclear barochronometer

135) Which of the following is required on all badge and record flights.

a) a certified barograph record
b) verification by an official observer (or SSAI in the case of Bronze Badge)
c) photographs
d) flight declaration

136) Any glider pilot may act as an official observer

a) true
b) false
c) true, as long as they are not making a badge attempt on the same day.

137) Cumulus clouds are normally associated with

a) thermals
b) thunderstorms
c) mountain wave conditions
d) rain

138) Lenticular clouds are normally associated with

a) thermals
b) thunderstorms
c) mountain wave conditions
d) rain

139) Cumulonimbus clouds are normally associated with

a) thermals
b) thunderstorms
c) mountain wave conditions
d) rain

140) Nimbostratus clouds are normally associated with

a) thermals
b) thunderstorms
c) mountain wave conditions
d) rain


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Last modified November 19, 2006 by CR