The Soaring Safety Foundation has developed a Study Guide for the SSA Bronze Badge exam. The guide is designed to allow the prospective Bronze Badge candidate to prepare for the written exam. The series of study questions were created by a group of SSA Master Instructors and other experts in the soaring community. You may take the test directly. You can receive a grade, and a listing to the appropriate reference material and page for the solution. Although these questions were developed to study for the exam, they have real value in training for soaring anytime, anywhere. A local flight may accidentally turn into a cross country flight while flying downwind on a windy day. The club has been using the guide for member training, buy sending a few questions in each general Email to members. The next Email follows up with the answers and a discussion of the questions, and two new questions. We decided to maintain a compliation of the question discussions, that could be reviewed at any time. Questions will be added, as they are discussed in the Emails. |
Potentially there could be several hundred questions. To make it easier to navigate through the questions, they have been broken down in groups of 20, to parallel the organization of the SSF's Study Guide. |