Rides, Lessons & Membership Southern Eagles Soaring is a private club located in central Georgia at the Butler Municipal Airport. Southern Eagles is made up of members from both Alabama & Georgia. SES has a Towplane and a fleet of club Gliders. Several members own their own glider either alone or in partnerships. The central Georgia area has proven to be an ideal site for inland thermal flying. SES is within a reasonable commuting distance from metro Atlanta, Auburn, Macon, Columbus & Montgomery.
SES presents an economical way to start or continue your soaring career. Several categories of membership are available to meet your individual needs. The mission of Southern Eagles Soaring is to provide economical and
fulfilling access to the sport of recreational soaring for all club members. We are now flying Saturdays 10-6 & Sunday 12-6 when the weather is good
(Usually just 1 weekend day during Winter). We operate both weekend days
as often as we can get a full crew. We operate on occasional weekdays.(Contact us ahead of time to know
a specific day's plan for certain). See our Operations
visitors since 11/20/2006
Copyright © 2006-2023 Southern Eagles Soaring https://southerneaglessoaring.com
Last modified
November 24, 2023 9:12 AM
by CR