Badge questions Page 13

221) What feature is associated with a temperature inversion?

a) A stable layer of air.
b) An unstable layer of air.
c) Chinook winds on mountain slopes.

222) What is meant by the term "dew point"?

a) The temperature at which condensation and evaporation are equal.
b) The temperature at which dew will always form.
c) The temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated.

223) What measurement can be used to determine the stability of the atmosphere?

a) Atmospheric pressure.
b) Actual lapse rate.
c) Surface temperature.

224) The development of thermals depends upon:

a) A counterclockwise circulation of air.
b) Temperature inversions.
c) Solar heating.

225) Thunderstorms reach their greatest intensity during the:

a) Mature stage.
b) Downdraft stage.
c) Cumulus stage.

226) What is an important precaution when soaring in a dust devil?

a) Avoid the eye of the vortex.
b) Avoid the clear area at the outside edge of the dust.
c) Maintain the same direction as the rotation of the vortex.

227) Where and under what condition can enough lift be found for soaring when the weather is generally stable?

a) On the upwind side of hills or ridges with moderate winds present.
b) In mountain waves that form on the upwind side of the mountains.
c) Over isolated peaks when strong winds are present.

228) Where may the most favorable type thermals for cross-country soaring be found?

a) Just ahead of a warm front.
b) Along thermal streets.
c) Under mountain waves.

229) What is the best visual indication of a thermal?

a) Fragmented cumulus clouds with concave bases.
b) Smooth cumulus clouds with concave bases.
c) Scattered to broken sky with cumulus clouds.

230) What is density altitude?

a) The height above the standard datum plane.
b) The pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature.
c) The altitude read directly from the altimeter.

231) Cumulonimbus clouds can best be described as:

a) White or gray layers or patches of solid clouds, usually appearing in waves.
b) Fluffy white clouds appearing in layers and sometimes producing precipitation.
c) Dense clouds, dark at lower levels, extending many thousands of feet upward.

232) In strong wind conditions, flight over a mountainous area within close proximity of peaks may be hazardous because of:

a) Violent downdrafts on the windward side.
b) Violent downdrafts on the leeward side.
c) Wind shear on the windward side.

233) The best lift is usually found:

a) Upwind side of a building cumulus cloud.
b) Upwind side of an alto-cumulous cloud.
c) Downwind side of a nimbus cloud.

234) Which is true?

a) Moist air is denser than dry air.
b) Severely dry air is likely to have better thermals.
c) Cold air is denser than warm air.

235) What does "Buys Ballots" law state of the northern hemisphere?

a) If you stand with your back to the wind the low is on your left.
b) If you stand with your back to the wind the low is on your right.
c) Low pressure systems rotate clockwise when viewed from above.

236) What weather associated with cumulus-nimbus is considered to be the worst hazard when landing a glider?

a) Lightning, blinding pilots and damaging gliders.
b) Heavy rain leaving the wings performance seriously degraded.
c) Increased wind strength together with rapid direction changes, making landing in particular, very difficult.

237) What is wind gradient?

a) Rapid changes in wind direction with height.
b) The difference in pressure between a high and a low.
c) Rapid reduction in wind strength close to the ground.

238) A high-pressure inversion in summer will have what effect on soaring?

a) Prevention of the formation of thermals to a useful height.
b) Prevention of the formation of cumulus, once the inversion is below the dew point.
c) Increase the overall average thermal strength due to lack of cloud shadow.

239) What is the overlapping of a warm and cold front called?

a) An occlusion.
b) A depression.
c) An inversion.

240) What is the name given to a line drawn on a map joining places of equal pressure?

a) An Isobar.
b) A millibar.
c) A pressure gradient.


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Last modified November 19, 2006 by CR